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Kerakoll Silicone Color 03 310ML

£9.92 Ex VAT
£11.90 INC VAT

Stock 12 Available


Kerakoll Silicone Color is a decorative sealant for porcelain and ceramic tiles – in 50 design colours and transparent to match the Kerakoll Fugabella Color Grout.

Kerakoll Silicone Color develops a high degree of adhesion to non-absorbent surfaces, guaranteeing the integrity and watertightness of ceramic and porcelain coverings subject to deformation.

Kerakoll Silicone Color is resistant to mould, freezing and has high chromatic stability. Ideal for sealing porcelain and ceramic tiles and can be used in swimming pools and areas that have permanent contact with water.

Kerakoll Silicone Color is for elastic, waterproof sealing of expansion and connection joints on: – porcelain tiles, low thickness slabs, ceramic tiles, klinker, cotto, glass and ceramic mosaic, of all types and formats – bathroom fittings, showers, metal doors and windows, glass and fibreglass.

Intended use:
For internal and external use, including environments subject to freezing, on fractionizing, expansion and connection joints in tile coverings on balconies, terraces, internal floors, aquariums and swimming pools.

Do not use Kerakoll Silicone Color on natural stone, cement-based substrates, rubber, plastic and bituminous components or materials that weep oils, solvents and plasticizers. It is recommended that a test be carried out before application on sensitive metal surfaces such as copper, silver and relevant alloys. In the realisation of joints subject to abrasion. For façades.

Technical Data:
Appearance: coloured thixotropic paste
Specific weight: ≈ 1.15 kg/dm3
Chemical nature: acetoxy cross-linked silicone sealant
Shelf life: ≈ 24 months in the original packaging
Warning: protect from frost, avoid direct exposure to sunlight and sources of heat
Pack: 310 ml cartridge
Max. allowed movement: ≤ 25% ISO 11600
Joint minimum width: ≥ 6 mm
Joint max. width: ≤ 25 mm
W/D ratio sealing cross-section: > 1 / < 2
Temperature range for application: from +5 °C to +40 °C
Curing time: ≥ 20 min.
Reticulation: ≈ 2 mm / 24 hrs
Shrinkage: ≤ 15% ISO 10563
Coverage: see approximate coverage table

Special Notes:
Do not use in completely closed areas as the product will polymerise in atmospheric humidity. Brush the joint within 5 minutes after application to ensure the best contact between sealant and substrate. A base coat is normally not necessary. Specific substrates (porous or made of plastic materials) may require the use of Keragrip Eco Pulep ecofriendly adhesion promoter to ensure maximum adhesion. This product is recommended for all situations at risk from dust. Kerakoll Silicone Color is non-paintable.